
Jessica Andersson

some thoughts and other texts

Links from talks

Links Here is a list of maybe relevant links from my presentation How We Revolutionized Developer Experience with 3.5 Platform Engineers. Team Topologies GitOps As a Journey - Dan Garfield, Codefresh; Scott Rigby, Weaveworks & Chris Short, AWS From Kubernetes to PaaS to … Er what’s next? - Daniel Bryant, from KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2022 ExternalDNS cert-manager Argo CD Open GitOps Slides: How we revolutionized Developer Experience with 3.5 Platform Engineers @ NDC Oslo 2023

DevOpsDays Copenhagen 2023

DevOpsDays Copenhagen 2023 Last week I attended DevOpsDays Copenhagen 2023, held on 2-3 May at Docken Copenhagen. It’s an event where the community comes together to share their experiences, learn from each other and connect with others in the industry. The conference had a diverse range of talks, open space discussions and networking opportunities that made it a great event for anyone interested in DevOps and its related practices. The user stories shared by the speakers were inspiring, and the example given by Braedon Gough on how to implement on-call in their product teams was tangible and easy to learn from.

Hello World

Hello World This site is meant to be a place where I can gather resources around my career in tech. I might share some thoughts I have on different topics (platform engineering, devops, cloud native, etc), slides from presentations I’ve done, links to recordings if available and what else might come up! I look forward to see where this will go! Either I will continue to fill it out and keep it alive and healthy, or maybe this is the last update we’ll see.